veterinary medicines High Quality 20.5g, 27.9g Ors - Oral Rehydration Salts
Ingredients: sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, potassium chloride, glucose, etc.
Function and use: This product is the body electrolyte and water supplement. It can supplement body fluid, regulate water, electrolyte and acid-base balance. It is used for the collapse, dehydration and high fever caused by diarrhea, vomiting and sweating of livestock and poultry. Long term drinking and taking can enhance the immune function and resistance of the body.
Usage and dosage: mix two bags evenly (two bags in this product, large bag: glucose and sodium chloride). Bag: sodium bicarbonate, potassium chloride.)
Drinking water: add 35-45 liters of water to dissolve each bag of 200g, and then provide free drinking for livestock and poultry.
Internal administration: horse, cattle 100-150g, sheep, pig 20-30g, dog 5-10g, poultry drinking water.
Properties: white or light white powder.
Specification: 200g: sodium chloride 26.4g + potassium chloride 10.4g + sodium bicarbonate 18G + glucose 145.2g.
Caution: avoid contracts with acid drugs.
Package: 200g / bag, 50 bags / piece